Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Canadian Century

Canada is being increasingly recognized as a role model for other countries, due to its better performance through out the global economic crisis. Jim Flaherty, Canada's Minister of Finance has been a global rock star taking the lead of many conversation of financial reform on the world stage, and Canadian banks have been ranked as the soundest in the world for 2 years in row by the World Economic Forum. Also with the G8 and G20 Summits taking place in Canada only puts Canada even more in the spot light and simultaneously growing its relevance in the global conversation. A great article has been published in a very influential magazine called Foreign Policy on the subject of how the United States should follow Canada's model if it doesn't want to be left behind.   
If Canada continues on the path it is following today, it's not unreasonable to think that this will be the Canadian century, the era in which the country comes into its own as a world economic power and finally steps out of America's shadow.

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